The world of baseball comes to AT&T Park for the 2014 World Series.
MediaOne is the Video Manager for AT&T and it’s up to us to accommodate 27 production vehicles, over 20 cameras and a bah-zillion or so (approximately) incoming and outgoing feeds.
Here are some pictures taken on set-up day. Welcome to Behind The Scenes at the World Series.
- Main truck patchbay
- MLB Network truck
- Fox Sports edit truck
- The back parking lot
- The back parking lot
- ESPN’s truck.
- Communications gear
- Main production truck and the replay truck park.
- 27 trucks and trailers, all mapped out.
- The main Fox Sports anchor location.
- On the field.
- Getting ready to deliver the plates.
- “Low 3rd” dugout camera.
- “Hi 1st” camera positions.
- “SplashCam” position
- MLB Network’s on-field anchor position.
- “Hi 3rd” camera position.
- The hallway behind the Press Boxes commemorate outstanding commentators.
- Press Box.
- Scoreboard Control Room
- Pressbox
- Additional Center Field camera position
- Fox Sports main anchor location
- 27 units at the series.
- Touchup paint
- RoboCam at the Giant’s dugout
- Mics at the ready in the Royals dugout.
- The bunting is held on with duct tape
- MediaOne Offices at AT&T Park
- NHK truck ready for Halloween
- Main Fox broadcast production truck.
- The giant patch panel where all the feeds from the field end up